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- Talent Sourcing
Streamline your hiring process and find the perfect candidate faster with the Pinpoint and hackajob integration.
hackajob and Pinpoint ATS integration
hackajob is a sourcing platform that helps you get instant access to top-quality permanent and contract tech talent. Describe who you want to hire and hackajob will use AI to source candidates using contextual understanding rather than simple keyword matching.
Our integration enables you to import candidates from hackajob directly into relevant jobs in Pinpoint, streamlining your hiring process.
By leveraging this integration, you can source, schedule, and hire qualified tech talent across software engineering, data, devops, product, and more.
How does the Pinpoint and hackajob integration work?
With hackajob and Pinpoint you can:
- Save time with automated candidate uploads: Interview stages sync automatically between hackajob and Pinpoint so there’s no need for manual data entry or switching between platforms.
- Improve candidate experience: Your candidates will be able to book interviews and manage stages from one central location on hackajob.
- Get actionable insights: Synchronised interview stages ensure accurate talent pipeline data in your insights dashboard, including DE&I and brand sentiment metrics.
How to connect Pinpoint and hackajob
You can easily and instantly connect Pinpoint and hackajob by:
- Adding the Pinpoint API app under the integrations menu in your Pinpoint account.
- Press the ‘Disabled’ toggle in the top right corner until it reads ‘Enabled’.
- Generating an API key and giving it a name such as ‘hackajob’ (make sure you select the permissions as shown in this document.)
- In your hackajob account, find Pinpoint under ‘ATS Integrations’ in your account settings and copy over your API key.
- When the connection is completed successfully you will see a green “Connected” badge next to the integration.
About hackajob
hackajob intelligence is an AI-driven, end-to-end tech hiring platform. It matches employers with high-quality, motivated job seekers using contextual understanding rather than simple keyword matching. This approach helps you discover hidden talent and build world-class tech teams in half the time.
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Schedule a demo to see how Pinpoint can transform the way you attract, hire, and onboard talent.