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Cronofy FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions About Cronofy + Pinpoint

Automatically synchronize your interview scheduling and calendar availability with Cronofy.

Can we use a UK or European endpoint so our data doesn't leave the UK / EU?

Yes—Cronofy has data centres in several locations around the world and data does not leave that data centre. Pinpoint can offer either US or UK data centres and select the most relevant location for each customer.

What are the minimal permissions required for Pinpoint's automated interview scheduling tool?

It varies depending on the type of authentication method being used. See more in Cronofy’s documentation:

What information does Pinpoint read and edit? Can we restrict Pinpoint's ability to do this?

Pinpoint only reads and edits a portion of your calendar data. Pinpoint sees when users are free or busy, creates events, and edits events it has created. 

This allows us to check when interviewers are available, schedule interviews on their calendars, and then reschedule or cancel those interviews if needed. This is the minimum amount of access we need to make our automated interview scheduling tool work.

If you want to use our automated interview scheduling feature, then there is no way to further scope down access because the feature would no longer work. 

It is possible to use Pinpoint without using this feature. Users can manually set their interview availability within their personal settings. However, the interview scheduling functionality is one of our customers’ favourite features. They’ve told us it saves them hours of work per week manually scheduling interviews, so we recommend using it if possible. 

Can Pinpoint read our Microsoft Teams / Zoom conversations?

No, neither Cronofy nor Pinpoint have the ability to do this.

Is there an additional cost for using Cronofy?

No, there is no additional cost for using Cronofy with Pinpoint.

Does every individual user need to authorise their own calendar sync, or can we manage that centrally?

If you’re an enterprise Pinpoint customer using Cronofy’s Enterprise Connect, you can manage authorisation centrally

If you’re a Pinpoint customer using Cronofy’s Individual Connect, then your users will need to authorise their own calendars individually.

Can we choose between EWS and Graph API connection methods? What are the benefits and drawbacks of each?

If you are an Office365 user, you will have the ability to connect via either EWS or MS Graph API. We would recommend choosing Graph API. This is the quickest and easiest method of authenticating as it does not require a Service Account to be set up. 

Exchange users will only be able to use EWS.

What calendar services can be integrated with Pinpoint via Cronofy?

If you’re an enterprise Pinpoint customer using Cronofy’s Enterprise Connect, you can integrate with Google Workspace, Office365, and Microsoft Exchange.

If you’re a Pinpoint customer using Cronofy’s Individual Connect, you can integrate with the above, plus Apple calendars.

If your company uses other calendar services, your users will still be able to manually indicate blocks of time in their Pinpoint settings when they are available to interview.

Are we able to integrate with an Outlook on-prem exchange server?

Yes, Cronofy supports integrating with Exchange 2007 SP1 onwards. The Exchange server must be on the internet (or internet-facing) for Cronofy to be able to connect. You may need to approve Cronofy’s IP addresses on your firewalls. Cronofy’s IP addresses can be found here:

Will Cronofy see my calendar user credentials or cache my credentials somewhere on their system?

The credentials that Cronofy stores depend on the authentication method. Different providers require different types of credentials and authentication methods. The values are encrypted using the AES-256 algorithm using a unique, randomly generated salt for each set of sensitive data. 

  • Google: OAuth token
  • Office365: OAuth token
  • OAuth token
  • Apple iCloud: Email address and an app-specific password
  • Exchange: Email address and password. Optionally username if Exchange server requires it.